An article by Karen Herbert
All I want is some peace and this mess to end.
I wish my arrears would tally and finally mend.
Last minute lease renewals will land on my desk
And portal their way through the rest of my mess.
Oh, Santa what I’d give for a day with no complaints,
From tenants and owners, who think they’re just saints.
And can you plug up the maintenance with nothing remaining,
So I can shut up the tenants from their incessant complaining.
And, can we fire my top 10 owners who hate spending money,
So my days can be filled with more sunshine and honey.
Can you make my days shorter instead of me leaving late?
And let my Principal know that it not he that I hate,
It’s the job that I do, you see, this thankless and tiring role
That no one ever appreciates and it’s taking its toll.
Did I mention I would like a pay rise for the work that I do?
For no one could do, the things I must do.
But excuse me, I forget it’s Christmas, so, can we start over again…
That I will grateful for being given a job where I get paid,
Where so many others are without and often afraid.
I am grateful to my owners who provide tenants with homes
To rent and reside and come to call their own.
I will welcome the call about the leaking bath tap
Because it provides income to our tradies who always fill the gap.
To my team mates, I will thank for their support and their love
And for my ability to be able to go beyond and above.
I wish for a world where we can all respect and honour each other,
for our time, together is not long, so its needs to matter.
And Santa, one last thing, please look after me and help me understand
That what I do matters and it’s all in my hands.
Your Property Manager